Extended Shortcode - music

The music
shortcode embeds a responsive music player based on APlayer and MetingJS.
There are three ways to use it the music
1 Custom Music URL
The complete usage of local resource references is supported.
The music
shortcode has the following named parameters by custom music URL:
server [required]
URL of the custom music.
name [optional]
Name of the custom music.
artist [optional]
Artist of the custom music.
cover [required]
URL of the custom music cover.
Example music
input by custom music URL:
The rendered output looks like this:
2 Music Platform URL Automatic Identification
The music
shortcode has one named parameter by music platform URL automatic identification:
auto [required] (first positional parameter)
URL of the music platform URL for automatic identification, which supports
music platform.
Example music
input by music platform URL automatic identification:
The rendered output looks like this:
3 Custom Server, Type and ID
The music
shortcode has the following named parameters by custom music platform:
server [required] (first positional parameter)
]Music platform.
type [required] (second positional parameter)
]Type of the music.
id [required] (third positional parameter)
Song ID, or playlist ID, or album ID, or search keyword, or artist ID.
Example music
input by custom music platform:
The rendered output looks like this:
4 Other Parameters
The music
shortcode has other named parameters applying to the above three ways:
theme [optional]
fixed [optional]
Whether to enable fixed mode, default value is
.mini [optional]
Whether to enable mini mode, default value is
.autoplay [optional]
Whether to autoplay music, default value is
.volume [optional]
Default volume when the player is first opened, which will be remembered in the browser, default value is
.mutex [optional]
Whether to pause other players when this player starts playing, default value is
The music
shortcode has the following named parameters only applying to the type of music list:
loop [optional]
]Loop mode of the music list, default value is
.order [optional]
]Play order of the music list, default value is
.list-folded [optional]
Whether the music list should be folded at first, default value is
.list-max-height [optional]
Max height of the music list, default value is